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  • #6067

    Matthew C Graham

    Would a post-workout shake consisting of 2 scoops Whey Protein isolate, 5g Leucine, 1 serving Con-cret, and 16 oz of coffee be appropriate? Also, during my low-carb reorientation phase during CBL, I seemed to be hungry throughout the night on workout days. My daily caloric intake would be approximately the same as off days, except for the post-workout shake. I am afraid this may happen with the CNS. Should I just eat to satiety, obviously keeping my carbs ultra low and keeping my fat to protein ratio in check?


    I always choose to just eat to satiety and I have great results.The shake it fine, but I'd just do 1 scoop of whey unless it's the only way you can manage to get your protein where you need it.

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