Don’t feel good on 30g of usable carbs/day

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    I don't feel good on on 30g of usable carbs/day . .  especially for the days other than the couple of days after Carb Nite . . .  what can I do to make this work?


    Richard Schmitt

    What do you mean? You're not striving to get 30g you're striving for 0g


    How much fat are you eating and how much are you training? You're likely gonna feel a little sluggish and crappy no matter what, but to much training and to little fat can make it much worse.



    I would recommend several servings of the “Beef Salad” dish I posted in the recipe section. 



    You're not going to feel great, until you adapt, which shouldn't take long. Your goal is ZERO usable carbs per day. I spent many months as an endurance athlete on a completely ketogenic diet, read: no carb nights, to increase my respiratory efficiency. I felt GREAT. If you're getting near 30g a day, it's probably not letting your body adapt to fat burning; or you're not eating enough fat.



    Get a few eggs with some bacon (or turkey bacon – for the religious people out there). Every so often I'd treat myself to a nice burger joint, like a red robin, cheeburger cheeburger, or five guys place.. ask for no bun and get a burger with all the fixings I want (keeping myself conscious about what ones to avoid that contains carbs). Usually fills me up pretty good.I also have a few fiber shakes. Also invest some money into coconut oil, I find getting them online the best option since I always get them cheaper.And please don't neglect waterAlso, a funny little thing I picked up is buying zip lock bags so that when I come across a cookie I want to have, or cake or french fries, or rice crispies I get from my job, I pack those up so that when carb nite hit, I get to dine in for free. I actually hate going out on carb nite because I lose my mind and I become a huge monster and just eat and eat; which is probably why I think Cookie Monster did CNS, we just happen to see him on his cookie binges.

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Don’t feel good on 30g of usable carbs/day

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