Backload to fuel next session?

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    Say that I train my biceps/back, which activates tGlut in that specific region and backload after… Am i refilling the glycogen to be utilized during the next biceps/back session next week or am I refilling glycogen to fuel my leg workout the day after tomorrow?


    The body will prioritize what you worked since tglut will be raised to the surface already, but as that begins to top off you will systemically refill glycogen stores.



    Does it only raise to the surface in the muscle tissue just worked?  That was what I was assuming when I read the book too..  Did he also mention to train your weakest bodypart before a CN so as to fuel and grow that particular part?


    Does it only raise to the surface in the muscle tissue just worked?  That was what I was assuming when I read the book too..  Did he also mention to train your weakest bodypart before a CN so as to fuel and grow that particular part?

    Yes, the translocation is localized.



    So that means that one is refilling glycogen in a targeted body part, and that the glycogen refilled will be used in the next session targeting the same body part right?I am asking because after the 10-day ULC-period, i did a ton of squats and deadlifts and had a feast after that. Two days after I worked out my chest/triceps and had ZERO strength. That is why I am guessing that the glycogen that i refilled after the ULC period went straight to my legs and left the rest of my body depleted (more or less). I am therefore expecting some increase in strength in my chest/triceps next time i work out because i refilled them yesterday. Does that make sense?


    You were likely still running a glycogen deficit after 10 days ULC. Also, after 2 days if you were ULC you would have lost more glycogen.The area you trained will be re-filled first, but you will systemically fill glycogen stores if you eat enough carbs.



    That is very interesting. So if i am depleted and do some military presses for example and then eat more carbs than my shoulders can contain, will the rest of my body get the overflow carbs? That would make sense…


    That is very interesting. So if i am depleted and do some military presses for example and then eat more carbs than my shoulders can contain, will the rest of my body get the overflow carbs? That would make sense...

    More or less.

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Backload to fuel next session?

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