Turning on/off myostatin gene?

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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand of what Kiefer says in his Protein 2.0 article, one could possibly, by following the protocol he explains in the article, change ones myostatin-gene expression?Anyone tried this protocol, which in my eyes fly somewhat in the face of the rest if CN/CBL protocol of fasting 12-14 hours per day?I' m having somewhat of a reversed myostatin gene expression. "The skinny-fat" gene expression so to speak. Hard to put on muscle, and as soon as I up my calories I pack on fat-mass.As said, anyone tried this, and how did it go? Maybe I could at least change the "musclebuilding" side of the gene to my favour by utilizing this protocol?Then again, maybe I' ve misunderstood the whole article! Please, put some sense in me if I have!


    Brandon D Christ

    You can't change it (as of now).  Just train hard and watch your diet.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yep, just get to the gym, lift heavy, and eat accordingly. Fix your metabolism/system using CBL or CNS. It'll work out in the end.

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Turning on/off myostatin gene?

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