Robb Wolf Thoroughly confused me

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    Eric Shaw

    So I've been following Kiefers protocol for Carb Nite for pretty much all my non training days. 1:1 ratio of fat t protein, mostly animal fat sources. For me this comes out to about 175p:175f per day, and I weigh 175lbs.Now after reading a lot of robs stuff like here:'m really confused, because Rob says one should eat lean meat sources, and only use fat to flavor food, and keep it modest. For example maybe 1tbsp of butter on a sweet potato or an avocado or some nuts. But if I were to eat like Robb recommends going lower carb on non-training days I would be only getting in maybe 60-70 grams of fat per day at most.  A typical day for me now looks like this:8am 2tbsp g-fed butter; 1tbsp MCT oil in coffee with 10grams whey.noon 16 ozs grass fed ground beef, 2 cups green beans, 1tbsp butter on green beans7pm 16 oz grass fed steak, 2 cups brussel sprouts.But this comes out to ~170grams or so of fat a day and around 180 or so protein.Am I doing it all wrong? It sounds like Paleo is different, but I have no Idea how I could get over 2500-3000 k/c a day on a lower carb day with out eating fatty cuts of meat and lots of butter and c-oil.If Im doing it all wrong someone please show me the proper way.Thanks.


    He isn't referring to full on ketogenic dieting though, more so Lower carb, which can still be 100g+ a day.Plus, he recommends leaner meats when talking about non-grass-fed for health reasons.If you are going ultra low carb like we do you need something to make up the difference of fuel.


    Eric Shaw

    He isn't referring to full on ketogenic dieting though, more so Lower carb, which can still be 100g+ a day.Plus, he recommends leaner meats when talking about non-grass-fed for health reasons.If you are going ultra low carb like we do you need something to make up the difference of fuel.

    so do my meals look ok Trevor?


    He isn't referring to full on ketogenic dieting though, more so Lower carb, which can still be 100g+ a day.Plus, he recommends leaner meats when talking about non-grass-fed for health reasons.If you are going ultra low carb like we do you need something to make up the difference of fuel.

    so do my meals look ok Trevor?

    Are you getting results? If you are then yes.I don't count my macros and it's been a while since I last bothered to figure them up but I'm probably not to far off from that.

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Robb Wolf Thoroughly confused me

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