Rotating carb nite per week

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    For the past few months, I've been having my carb nite on a friday. I figured I might want to change things up a bit. After doing tons of research, I realized that most strength trainers stack up on carbs after their work out. In fact, a study showed that people that consumed 4 gs of carbs and 1 g of protein after the work out, they were able to retain and increase their muscle glycogen.Because my training is static, I've been doing carb nites on arm and shoulders day. I've been noticing this is getting stronger, but I don't want my other muscles to be lacking; so I might want to give a nice rounded appearance.So I'm thinking, since I strength train on Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri. I'm thinking that next week, I could do Thursday, the week after that I could do Tues, the week after that Mon, and the week after that back to Friday.Any thoughts? The days would be more than 4 days apart, so it probably couldn't hurt. Plus it makes the weeks pretty interesting.


    Richard Schmitt

    It wouldn't hurt to try it. 4 days in between might not allow you to go as crazy or as long as a CN every 6th or 7th day. Pretty much only a backload



    Thanks for the tip, I'll try it for the next few weeks and give back some results. I won't go as crazy on those nights, maybe half crazy  ;D



    You sound like a perfect candidate for carb back loading.


    Alan Torell

    I'm trying SW at a 3 workout per week schedule… Saturday (CarbNite), Monday, Wednesday. So with 4 major SW workouts (I throw in the core as an extra workout whenever it comes up in rotation), there is a natural rotation of workouts that hit on CarbNite.



    You sound like a perfect candidate for carb back loading.

    Not yet, I've surprised myself so far the last few months. I made huge gains in the gym on CNS alone, and I'm not there with the fat % yet to switch to CBL. I started off pretty fat and over weight, and I'm downsizing pretty well. When I go to the gym, my shirt is literally drenched in sweat and I'm really giving it whatever I got at the weights, and still surprisingly I had enough stamina to keep going by the end of the workout. In my mind, I'm like, "Keep going, make your muscles hurt, kill 'em, kill 'em, add more weights, whatever you can" and I just go lunatic at them. I've never been like that before, it's usually like.. "I can't wait till this is over so I can go home".. haha. I'd like to think that my presence in the gym would atleast encourage others to work just as hard as I am, because it shows.I've taken my 'before' pictures, and when I'm through I'll post results. I'm right now in a nice transition, and so far I'm satisfied.



    Hmm, I just thought about this idea some more, and I guess this is kinda like a half CBL and CNS. Because I realized I will be fluctuating my carb nights between 4-6 days.My workout schedule is:Sunday - HIITMonday - Low Intensity cardioTuesday - Strength (chest & bi)Wednesday - Strength (legs)Thursday - Core & HIITFriday - Strength (Shoulder & Tri)Saturday - Strength (back)So an example of a 6 day break would be if I had my carb nite on Saturday, my next carb night would be on Friday.An example of a 4 day break would be if I had my carb nite on a Tuesday, my next carb night would be Saturday.Since I'd be only doing carb nights on a strength training day. I might be losing weight at half the speed of a carb nite, and perhaps gaining strength at half the speed of carb back loading.I have no idea if the logic behind this is sound, I still want to gain muscle, but I also want to lose weight, and I kinda get impatient at times.Keeping in mind I start my carb nite immediately after the workout, lasts for 4-5 hours instead of 7-8. I consume the most amount of carbs about 4:1 ratio of carbs (~100g to ~25g) right after the work out. I've noticed that my shoulders and triceps have improved in numbers more so than my other muscle groups over the last few months because my carb nite was on Fridays only.I guess this kinda follows up on a post of two carb nites for women? Not sure if that is applicable to guys as well since I work really hard at the gym:


    Richard Schmitt

    I was just thinking about this scheme as well. While it seems like it'll work, especially with the goal you have in mind, it could back-fire if you don't plan accordingly. However, train hard, lift heavy, eat appropiately and you should be fine. I kinda want to have a CN every 6th day as well, instead of 7 because of my one goal at the moment too. However training is not structured to do so.


    I was just thinking about this scheme as well. While it seems like it'll work, especially with the goal you have in mind, it could back-fire if you don't plan accordingly. However, train hard, lift heavy, eat appropiately and you should be fine. I kinda want to have a CN every 6th day as well, instead of 7 because of my one goal at the moment too. However training is not structured to do so.

    Having a CN every 6th night instead of 7th will make zero difference. It will start making some difference at five, and really start changing things at 4.


    Sherylea Hurst

    Changing things in what way?


    Richard Schmitt

    Changing things in what way?

    Well here's my .02, since you're normally in a cal deficit because of no carbs in the meals during the week, having a CN every 4-5th day will ultimately put your base caloric load for the week higher than someone who has one on the 6-7th day. So recomping will probably occur, strength gains, body fat might be shocked enough to lose rapidly. All this is based upon food choices for being ULC and the CN itself, AS WELL AS the training intensity you're under-going.



    Might be appropriate only for those who lift weights and goes to extremes in the gym. I'll try this plan for a few weeks and see what happens overall. I'm sticking to a stricter diet this time, and making sure I train as much as I can. I might add a few more workouts to my shockwave protocol. Yesterday, I worked really hard on my chest for 'chest and bis' day, but I felt it more in my triceps and biceps than anything, so I kinda feel my chest didn't get enough of a workout yet (maybe do some butterflys, incline bench press, and few declining pushups). Today is my favorite day…. legs. And it's my carb nite today (Wednesday), since last week I did my carb nite on Friday; tomorrow is basically my HIIT so no strength training really – just core maintenance.If this does back fire, I'll go back to carb nite. If I happen to succeed, I'll go to CBL. I guess it's nice to have something to fall back on after inspecting the results.Also, because I will be consuming more carbs each week, I'll be also consuming less overall fat in the week as well.

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Rotating carb nite per week

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