Newbie …hope I’m doing this right…

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    Thanks for all the great info on this forum. It's very helpful… I started CNS recently and I do not train. I weigh 210 lbs and I am 5ft 5″….. I'm 42 yrs old and I really want to pull myself together and stop being such a fat lump! Yesterday was my first carb nite . The previous 9 days I ate roughly the following each day : 3 egg scramble With butter4/5 cups of coffee with 30g of heavy whipping cream in each cupRoast chicken or steak main meal Minced beef patty with a couple of small mushrooms and topped with cheese Lots of water.I have been strongly in ketosis all this period.....some palpitations but from what I read this can happen on very low carb and isn't an issue...I purchased from very low carb protein powder yesterday which I'm starting to use for breakfast this week made with water n cream......I lost three lbs so far which was a little low I felt but I don't know maybe that's ok??? I didn't weight today as I'm sure it would have temporarily returned!! 😉 Last night was my first carb nite...I had a steak meal with chips and vegetables, onion rings, profiteroles, then some cheesecake. I probably would skip the puddings next time i have a carn nite as I have felt cranky all day and I'm sure it's all the junk in them!!! So part from removing the processed junk next CN do I sound like I'm on track x thanks for the help in advance.


    Alexander Baur

    You may cut back a little on the HWC if progress stalls and you need to eat way more on your CN. You need to raise insuline through 6-8 hours on your CN.



    Welcome to the group, there are some great people here that offer help and advice.. It seems a but confusing at first, but it comes together..  Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2



    Don't use protein powder for breakfast. Skip breakfast. Other than that, sounds good 🙂



    I agree with the others. Less HWC, more food during CN and skip breakfast. Good luck!



    oh thats great news…i was feeling the HWC use was a little high…i put in around 30ml in each coffee so its not massive amounts but still adds up…..on CN im very happy to eat more. 😉 Thanks for the advice so pleased i seem to be on track x some questions please.....the protein powder ( very expensive haha !;) ) i bought sci-mx pro-vx protein. 45g serving =2.12g carbs/of which sugars 0.18g / fat 1.61g etc....made with water and HWCi dont feel hungry at breakfast so im happy to skip but can i ask why i should leave this out- is it better to just got for pure protein in meat form then?and HWC ...i see some use butter in their coffee??? ! really? isnt that wierd tasting haha 😀 or cocnut that for just calorific purposes> sorry if im being thick. i SOOOOOO WANT THIS TO WORKAND TO DO IT RIGHT 🙂 !  xxx



    oh thats great news...i was feeling the HWC use was a little high...i put in around 30ml in each coffee so its not massive amounts but still adds up.....on CN im very happy to eat more. 😉 Thanks for the advice so pleased i seem to be on track x some questions please.....the protein powder ( very expensive haha !;) ) i bought sci-mx pro-vx protein. 45g serving =2.12g carbs/of which sugars 0.18g / fat 1.61g etc....made with water and HWCi dont feel hungry at breakfast so im happy to skip but can i ask why i should leave this out- is it better to just got for pure protein in meat form then?and HWC ...i see some use butter in their coffee??? ! really? isnt that wierd tasting haha 😀 or cocnut that for just calorific purposes> sorry if im being thick. i SOOOOOO WANT THIS TO WORKAND TO DO IT RIGHT 🙂 !  xxx

    You get an insulin response from protein too. Not as high as carbs, but still high enough to take you out of ketosis. So no breakfast is better than a protein based breakfast. Butter in the coffee is better than HWC because of its higher fat content and lower insulin response. Dairy causes quite high insulin responses even though they are "low GI". It tastes nice after mixing it, really nice 🙂



    well im a butter coffee convert…yum!!! today i have been to the dentist to have a tooth out so i have mnaged 2 cups butter coffee -large portion of beef stew made with water and garlic granules/pepper – lots of water – some cheddar cheese. feel good...1 lb UP from last week tho ....sure its just resideu fomr my CB, we shall see......



    well im a butter coffee convert...yum!!! today i have been to the dentist to have a tooth out so i have mnaged 2 cups butter coffee -large portion of beef stew made with water and garlic granules/pepper - lots of water - some cheddar cheese. feel good...1 lb UP from last week tho ....sure its just resideu fomr my CB, we shall see......

    Good man. Don't worry about the poundage. It will fluctuate. Skip the scale. Think long term. As long as you are looking better and loosing fat and gaining/maintaining strength, you are safe.

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Newbie …hope I’m doing this right…

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