my husband’s results..

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    one week on CBL175 11% to 170 10%This is working quite well for him. I definitely see more definition in his chest and stomach.


    Richard Schmitt

    Must be really nice to have a partner that is willing to try/do the same diet/workout plan as the other. Awesome results by the way. For the both of you. I saw your other post and the improvements you're making.



    Must be really nice to have a partner that is willing to try/do the same diet/workout plan as the other. Awesome results by the way. For the both of you. I saw your other post and the improvements you're making.

    Thanks! He is wonderful and supportive and it helps that he doesn't down a box of cookies with his coffee. lol



    Is he doing the strength accumulation or density bulking?



    Is he doing the strength accumulation or density bulking?

    density bulking



    Interesting. I have given thought to switching to strength accumulation to improve my body comp vs just carb nite.



    Interesting. I have given thought to switching to strength accumulation to improve my body comp vs just carb nite.

    Go with DB, that will really improve your body comp. This will maintain current BF% which will eventually make you look Leaner anyway. More size at the same BF% will give you exactly what you are looking fo



    I am starting to think that you are right sckiely, the thing that makes me shy away from the density bulking though is the fear of gaining some fat it has been a struggle to shed as much as I have although I am sure I would gain appreciable muscle on it I just do not want to see my hard earned fat loss go away.


    Richard Schmitt

    the thing that makes me shy away from the density bulking though is the fear of gaining some fat it has been a struggle to shed as much as I have although I am sure I would gain appreciable muscle on it

    This is exactly my problem as well...



    I struggle with this everyday but at the end of the day, its winter time, so its sweater time!  In a few months i'll shed down.  As long as i'm not gaining bf i'm good.  Get to a point where you are content with yourself.  I'm at that point.  Not happy, but acceptable.


    Richard Schmitt

    I struggle with this everyday but at the end of the day, its winter time, so its sweater time!  In a few months i'll shed down.  As long as i'm not gaining bf i'm good.  Get to a point where you are content with yourself.  I'm at that point.  Not happy, but acceptable.

    Yeah that's the thing, I hate the Winter one because of the cold and two it's really easy to cover up and it can be used as an excuse...can't wait till I am content with myself...



    I am content with my muscle mass, not happy, but I can live with it. I am really not happy with the amount of fat that is still clinging to my waist line lol. It is a stubborn area for me I think. I weighed in today and will snap a pic in a few mins to post on my log, sorry about side tracking your post girl.


    I am jealous… I barely can get my gf to go to the gym and I pay for her membership…



    I am content with my muscle mass, not happy, but I can live with it. I am really not happy with the amount of fat that is still clinging to my waist line lol. It is a stubborn area for me I think. I weighed in today and will snap a pic in a few mins to post on my log, sorry about side tracking your post girl.

    No biggie!! My husband is a fire fighter so he is fit to begin with. He's naturally pretty lean and gains muscle fairly easy. He is a guinie pig for all the other guys there. They think he's crazy.



    I am jealous... I barely can get my gf to go to the gym and I pay for her membership...


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my husband’s results..

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