Breakfast on CN

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    I'm new here, I have three days left then I have my first Carb nite. I'm pretty excited about it  🙂I just need help with a question. In the book, I thought it said to have breakfast. But I have read a lot of people say not to have breakfast.I train in the morning 5 days a week.I get to the gym about 5:20am and lift weights.About 6:15-30 I have finished and have a low carb, Whey isolate shake.I then have breakfast about 7:30-8am. Which is 1 meat pattie (cooked with coconut oil), 2 eggs and Avo, green tea.Is this right or should I skip the Breakfast??


    Richard Schmitt

    The PWO Shake is pretty much breakfast have an ULC meal about an hour later



    ok, so what I'm doing is right then.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yes, correct



    cool thanks  🙂


    Robert Gray

    If I train in the morning, I come home and make a four-egg omelet with cheese and meat.  In that case, I'll skip my PWO shake in favor of a protein-rich meal.On the days that I'm just not hungry for lunch, I'll just keep drinking black coffee and eat a spoonful or two of coconut oil by itself.  I did the shake thing for a while and really got tired of the taste of coconut oil in my coffee, so I just take it straight from the spoon now.

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Breakfast on CN

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