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January 24, 2013 at 4:05 am #6327
NaturalKiKeymasterHi, I have a couple questions about 5/3/1 for beginners. I'm currently doing the 4 workout program (with CBL SA), 3 days a week because of my schedule. So far progress is good, I'm recovering better compared to when I was doing full body 5×5 workouts three times a week.First question is, is the overhead press workout "heavy" enough to justify backloading? My 1RM is only about 90lbs. I do barbell press, then for assistance dumbell press, pullups and rows. Should i do a smaller backload or something?My second question is regarding the "beginners program" that Jim Wendler recommends the following, 3 days a week, 1st day is squat/bench, 2nd day is deadlift/press, 3rd day is squat/bench.http://www.jimwendler.com/2011/09/531-for-a-beginner/MondaySquat – 5/3/1 sets/repsBench – 55%x5, 65×5%, 75%x5Assistance workWednesdayDeadlift – 5/3/1 sets/repsPress – 5/3/1 sets/repsAssistance workFridayBench – 5/3/1 sets/repsSquat – 55%x5, 65%x5, 75%x5Assistance workI'm planning to switch to this when my schedule is more flexible and I've got more time to sleep and recover. I'm wondering though, on the next week, do you start with deadlift/press, or do you do squat/bench, deadlift/press, bench/squat again?
January 24, 2013 at 8:00 am #138852
sckielyParticipantHeavy is relative to you! If 90lb is heavy for you then it is heavy, in general I don't have a big backload after shoulders unless I do a lot of back with them! As for the beginners template, I would rotate through and do 2 days the following week of Deadlifts but that is me and I know Jim likes people squatting more often than dead lifting so he would probably suggest you just repeat as is! Can't k ow for sure though?
January 24, 2013 at 4:22 pm #138853
backlash79Member1. Try it out and see how you feel, try one week with a “normal” backload and the next week with a smaller backload, see how you feel the following day2. I recommend doing it as he has written for at least 2 full cycles. before changing stuff around.
January 25, 2013 at 12:58 am #138854
NaturalKiGuestI guess “heavy” isn't the right term, I should have said, does it activate a large enough amount of muscle. So far on squat, bench and deadlift days i've been backloading about 200-300g of carbs and I feel and look fine the next day, but it feels like too much after press workouts. I'll try cutting it down to 100-150g as you recommend.I was a bit confused about the beginners template since I started with a 5x5 program where you just alternate between squat/bench/row and squat/press/deadlift every other workout. Thank you guys for the clarifications, it makes more sense now. Looking forward to using it in the future.One more question, I'm really trying to improve my upper body strength and my coach suggested doing pushups and pullups/bodyweight rows every morning. So far I'm in the 5 sets of 12-15 pushups/rows and 5 sets of 2-4 pullups range, been doing it at least 4 days a week and I think I really need it to increase my upper body work capacity. What are your thoughts on this?
January 25, 2013 at 12:41 pm #138855
backlash79MemberOne more question, I'm really trying to improve my upper body strength and my coach suggested doing pushups and pullups/bodyweight rows every morning. So far I'm in the 5 sets of 12-15 pushups/rows and 5 sets of 2-4 pullups range, been doing it at least 4 days a week and I think I really need it to increase my upper body work capacity. What are your thoughts on this?
Upper body work capacity is the not term you are looking for, I think you meant upper body volume?How often are you doing pullups on your current 5/3/1 schedule? Bench and OH press days? How much volume are you doing for pullups on those days? If so far you have been alright keep it up but watch your body for cues on if you need to lessen your frequency like elbows feeling sore, bicep tendons feeling tweaked. Make sure you are using picture perfect form on the pushups, Martin Rooney recently had a good article on T-nation which really described a "good" pushup"Oh and eat food, if you are doing that every morning on top of 5/3/1 3 times a week I wouldn't worry so much about the backload after/before press day depending on how you backload.
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