Too long between Carb Nights?

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    I am curious how others feel about the spacing for carb nites. I had lunch plans this week and planned my carb night on that day, which ended up being 9 days after my previous carb night. I was pretty run down for several days, as it usually hits me hard about day 4 or 5. Is there a real “too long” period between carb nights? For context, I'm no bodybuilder or powerlifter or anything – just a 40 year old who enjoys lifting and working on cutting my last 15-20lbs to get lean once again.I'm planning the next carb night for Feb 2nd, so will have two 5-day cycles leading up to it to see what that feels like in contrast. I looked at the calendar and decided that 10 days til the next one would just be too much for me at this time.


    Richard Schmitt

    5 days is a minimum up to 10 days is the maximum. There isn't a problem if you have it shorter than some days to longer. Make it work for your schedule and lifestyle. 8) what you're doing is fine


    Lesli Bortz

    It's fine just don't extend it thinking you're getting any great benefits.



    I'll be doing a CarbNite every 5-8 days.

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Too long between Carb Nights?

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