Anyone else train in silence?

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    I don't listen to music much when I workout. I have listened to podcasts on occasion.Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


    Igor Vidovic

    I can go without tunes for most of my workout but my last two big sets I have the need for some heavy metal thrashing my brain as I thrash my body

    training log



    When my buddy the Dragon comes to train with me, I don't listen to any music. He tells me it will make my mind stronger haha. When I'm alone, it depends on what I'm doing. HIIT, no way I am doing that shit without music. Long, drawn out workout with a shit ton of reps and sets? Music or I get bored unless the weights are insanely heavy. Short, brutal workout? I can focus a little more without music. I find the longer I workout at the same gym, the less I can listen to music. People come talk to me all the time, I have mass appeal I guess 😛


    Brandon D Christ

    I can do my assistance work while listening to music, but if I am doing singles, doubles, and triples, I can't have any distractions.



    Music on or off I still get in there and get out. I actually think I finish working out faster without music on.

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Anyone else train in silence?

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