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  • #6387


    Where does caffeine stand on the Carb Nite solution? I see some people recommend coffee in the morning as an appetite suppressant and other people recommend starting your CN with some coffee. I however pretty much ingest caffeine all day in the form of Coke Zero. I usually end up drinking about a liter every day. I know soda itself is just a horrible habit, but I feel I'm addicted to it. I've tried to kick it before. I'll stop drinking it for a week but I always find myself pounding one down before too long. Is this a complete no-no on CNS? I've been drinking it during my recalibration phrase. It has no calories or carbs, but lots of fake sugars. Did I ruin my recalibration phrase? What is the CNS stance on caffeine and diet soda in particular? Again, I just want to make sure I'm doing this right.


    Richard Schmitt

    Caffeine is completely fine while on CNS. I use it as a Pre-WO and with coffee



    Ok. No warnings against the evils of diet soda?


    Richard Schmitt

    Ace-K is considered evil only if progress begins to stall. Aspartame causes headaches and can stall progress. Reason I say that these two ingredients can stall, because I consume Ace-K and I'm fine.


    Ace-K is considered evil only if progress begins to stall. Aspartame causes headaches and can stall progress. Reason I say that these two ingredients can stall, because I consume Ace-K and I'm fine.

    Dido, I'm a diet coke and Xenergy addict!


    Richard Schmitt

    Xenergy drinks are awesome!

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