I have talked to Alex Navarro about my bikini prep and since I have “cleaned up” my carb nites so Ive been going gluten free and cutting the carb amount back a bit. My last carb nite I used organic white rice flour for sugar cookies and last night I made pancakes. I have felt great and don't feel ill when I get done eating for the night like I used to before I cleaned them up. My guess would be because it's white rice flour it's high GI and would be great for spikin insulin. 🙂
Rice pretty much perfect for a backload or CN. I have some white rice flour along with sweet rice flour, that I tend to mix a batch soon. Will let y'all know how it turns out. But that rice sugar should be ok
i too am gettn ready to try and clean em up a lil..9 weeks to stage, was seakn avenues without breakn the bank..i to have gone gluten free due to the massive bloat, and sickness, which has seemed to subside since i switched..thanks, i will try in 2 days…