Baking with leucine

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    Anyone done any experiments on baking with leucine mixed in? I'm thinking about trying some pancakes with ~5g leucine per serving of pancakes, in order to get a better insulin spike. Then I started thinking maybe this could be done for muffins and such as well. But I'm not sure how pervasive the “Satan's anus” flavor of leucine is.


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah.. to be honest I wouldn't. It would be a waste. It'll be easier to down it in a shot glass and use whey in those pancakes.


    I agree, I wouldn't. Just add it before the meal would be much easier.



    Any specific reason? Just taste or is there potentially some risk of degrading the profile or something through baking?



    The hell would anyone in this earth wanna add leucine to their baking????????


    Richard Schmitt

    I do not know of a scientific reason but I would personally think it will defeat the purpose of how leucine should be used and taken.



    After all the weird shit I've thrown into smoothies/recipes/pancakes and whatever I'm cooking this doesn't sound to awful. I think if you have a good source of luecine it wouldn't be bad.


    Brandon D Christ

    You probably could add leucine, but why not just take it on the side?  Leucine has a really nasty taste and will probably make whatever you mix it with taste like shit.



    You probably could add leucine, but why not just take it on the side?  Leucine has a really nasty taste and will probably make whatever you mix it with taste like shit.

    And dry it out like the sahara desert



    You probably could add leucine, but why not just take it on the side?  Leucine has a really nasty taste and will probably make whatever you mix it with taste like shit.

    That's pretty much the crux of my hypothesis. If you can successfully add say 5g leucine per serving of whatever you're baking (like pancakes in my example above), and the taste of nasty is muted/canceled because of the pastry-ish goodness, that seems like a better way to get the insulin boost off leucine, as opposed to choking it down as a shot or whatever. I did not, however, consider the probability of it drying whatever out. I may experiment with it, make a single serving batch of my ginger molasses gluten free pancakes with leucine and see what it comes out like. Experimentation! Clearly, it's not a life and death issue. I was just musing about the options while I was driving around for work.Was thinking especially for homemade gluten free stuff, it's usually a coconut or almond flour recipe which wouldn't create a very insulinemic product, so perhaps the leucine would pop it up. Dunno.. I drive ~50,000 miles a year, so I come up with many, many, very random thoughts..

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Baking with leucine

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