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    A friend of a friend, who is a nutritionist, just astounded me with what she said.We were talking about "The Biggest Loser" and why we liked and disliked the show.  I mentioned that I hated the diet programs they were put on because of all the carbohydrates they eat, and how two contestants a season or two back had lost just as much weight at home following a low-carb diet with resistance training.One of his friends, a nutritionist, jumped in and said that the regular contestants diets were fine, because most people should make carbohydrates 45-65% of their diets. What in the hell are these people being taught in the universities?


    Richard Schmitt

    Stupid outdated lame and outrageous studies.



    Yeah. I would love to study nutrition. The problem is finding a course that actually teaches you something worth learning.


    Brandon D Christ

    People need to realize that carb needs are dependent upon their activity levels.  So prescriptions for carbs should be a set number (100 g, 200 g ect.)  not a proportion of their diet.



    My girlfriend just got told by her doctor that she NEEDS to have 50g of carbs per meal. I almost fell over when I heard that. Even the people who are relatively well versed in nutrition look at me like I'm alien when I mention going low carb for extended periods of time. I think most people take whatever advice they do get blindly instead of experimenting with different approaches and the leading education out there doesn't help. I think every doctor, nutritionist, PT, etc. should be handed a copy of Taubes' “Why We Get Fat” before they learn anything nutrition based. That would probably open a lot of eyes.


    Brandon D Christ

    The recommendation for a high carb diet is based on the idea that fat is bad and more than 60 g of protein will ruin your kidney function or something.



    The recommendation for a high carb diet is based on the idea that fat is bad and more than 60 g of protein will ruin your kidney function or something.

    Oh, that would explain it. No wonder most doctors are fat.



    I did get a chance to talk some more with the nutritionist over FB.As far as the low-carb diet, she's still not a fan.  However, she did agree that there are smarter ways to consume carbs than the normal processed shit most people eat.We also talked about paleo dieting, and she seemed to agree with a lot of the ideas behind it.  I think there's hope for this girl yet!One thing that I found interesting in our conversations: she never once mentioned nutrition supplements.  It leads me to believe that they (nutritionists and the universities that chuck them out) still believe that the food we buy from our grocery stores, farmers markets, and the like still have all the essential vitamins and nutrients we need to be healthy.


    Brandon D Christ

    I do think most supps are useless.  As far as low carb diets, I think they are excellent for overweight people and people that have metabolic issues, but i think once you reach a healthy body composition, you should consume some carbs regularly.  The amounts usually recommended though are far too high for sedentary individuals. 



    Also, regarding the BL and how they lose weight.. They use water loss tools before weight ins, I'd need to find it but it discusses drinking, or not, various concoctions to flush out fluids.  Another point, the weigh in can certainly be rigged as the contestants weigh in hours before stepping on “scale” you see in the show, that is a fake scale on a stage.  Here is Venutos post regarding BL..  http://www.burnthefatinnercircle.com/public/614.cfmRegarding the percent of carbs..  that is the most frustrating thing to read while taking various nutrition classes..  When are they going to get it...

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