CBL on a bartender’s schedule

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    Hello everyone…I've been doing CBL for a month now and love it!  I am a bartender and obviously some nights I am up until 3 am.  Sun-Th the diet is easy, but what should I do about these odd schedule days….Most saturdays I will get a workout in around 7 pm…Thank you!!


    Richard Schmitt

    Do you train when you bar tend?



    yes i do…i go into work around 10 pm and try to train around 7 pm….my sched on some saturdays include my college classes


    Richard Schmitt

    Well could just have a PWO Shake with dextrose then have another meal later with carbs. Just work and go to bed when you can.



    appreciate the suggestion


    For my second job I work as a bouncer so I have kind of the same schedule as you certain nights of the week. I am on CN but the night's I work the bar I have my PWO shake and eat 1-2 hr's after depending on how busy it is at the bar.

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CBL on a bartender’s schedule

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