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    Howdy y'all…I can't really say that I'm a newb since I've been a member reading and learning on here for about 5 months, just haven't posted.  For what it's worth, I've been doing some form of carb backloading for about 3 years now since Keifer's EFS articles on skipping breakfast convinced me to cut out the 250kCal protein bar I was having every morning.  Just by cutting that bar and replacing a "healthy" lunch with 4 burritos from taco bell, a "normal" dinner with oreos and lasagnas, and overall upping my daily calories, I went from 297 @30+% to 255 in the 23% range in 4 months (March 1 to July 1).  You can do the math on macros, and even if I'd held the other kCals the same, those protein bar calories add up to about 8.5lbs.  I've been sold on the concept ever since.After several years of training Westside, I had knee surgery last December, and what we thought was going to be a simple meniscus turned out to be completely trashed articular cartilage, so fast forward 14 months and I'm still not able to squat or DL consistently...during the 3 months I took completely off of any training, I kept with the CBL and didn't gain any weight or fat.  Sold again.  I bought the book back in the fall and got a little tighter on adhering to the diet, but never did a prep phase.  At the time, I dropped from 255 to 242 and gained about 2lbs lean mass, then fattened up over Christmas.  I finally did a prep phase mid-January and while following the diet as close as possible has been a challenge (i.e. having to cook in advance, buy real foods instead of processed and frozen, eat out less, etc.) I'm enjoying it so far.I'm an athletic trainer by profession, so I have very little to no control over my daily schedule (all based on what the teams I work with have planned for the day/week)...I try to keep meal timing as consistent as possible, and my training window usually has to be 12-1, but training may be 5:30am one day and 9pm the next.  Still training westside upper body, but I've switched to basically just doing what I'm able to do on a given day with the lower body.  My "normal" day at this point looks like this:6:00-6:45am:  Wake up, AM Accelerator, Bulletproof coffee style8:30am:  AM Accelerator round 210:00am:  Some form of snack (nuts, jerky & cheese, bacon, whatever I have time for, +10G whey isolate)11:30am-1pm:  Train2:30pm:  Lunch5:30-6:30pm:  Snack #2 9:30pm-12:00am:  Dinner/Backload (I usually shoot for as early in this window as possible, but more often than not, my normal meal time winds up being nearly 11pm, with some nights as late as 1am if I've had to train after work...this lends itself to lots of waxy maize and ice cream to get the requisite carbs in).So, it's interesting to say the least, but good results so far.


    Richard Schmitt

    Welcome to the forums!



    Hello and welcome,

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