Sleep help

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    I have the tendency to somehow always wake up in the middle of the night, I am after a deep undisturbed sleep. Aside from the basics like light, room temp, stimulants in body, what sort of things can help to induce a deep nights sleep where I won't awake multiple times. Some problems with a broken sleep1. Wake up tired2.GH release is disturbed3. Wake up tired (deserves to be listed twice!)4. Lack of sleep will affect growth and recovery from workout.-> Also I believe the backload has something to do with it, yes carbs make you sleepy, but all that food in your digestive tract will certainly cause issues with getting a good undisturbed nights sleep right?


    Brandon D Christ

    Stop watching television and using the computer 2 hours before bed (or anything with an electronic screen).  It really does help, I have tested this with a Zeo.  If you do have to use the computer, download f. lux for your computer, it will adjust the brightness and colors of your screen to something less stimulating.


    Richard Schmitt

    ^^+1If anything use GABA or melatonin. I use an App called Naturespace that really helps me relax before bed


    Get orange colored glasses.They block out blue light so that you don't have to turn off all electronics before bed.I find having some coconut or MCT oil before bed after a re-feed helps my sleep.Take a cold shower.Take supplements, there are plenty of difference options.


    Brandon D Christ

    Oh yea magnesium citrate, potassium (any form will do), and GABA I have had a lot of success with and use every night.  Other sleep supplements, valerian, melatonin, and tryptophan have made my sleep worse.  I think you just need to find out what works.


    Brandon D Christ

    Get orange colored glasses.They block out blue light so that you don't have to turn off all electronics before bed.I find having some coconut or MCT oil before bed after a re-feed helps my sleep.Take a cold shower.Take supplements, there are plenty of difference options.

    Orange colored glasses, I never thought of that, but it sounds like it would work.



    I'm not for taking any more supplements than I already do, but anything more natural would be preferable. I'm not interested in micro managing “omg i cant sleep unless i take my melatonin!!” for example. Good ideas though, thanks,.


    Brandon D Christ

    I'm not for taking any more supplements than I already do, but anything more natural would be preferable. I'm not interested in micro managing "omg i cant sleep unless i take my melatonin!!" for example. Good ideas though, thanks,.

    Well it's only micro managing if you make it that way.  i certainly have no problem sleeping without m supps.  You can also look into earthing, that has helped my sleep very well.

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