HIIT on stationary bike?

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    Anyone do HIIT on stationary bikes? Of so what does your workout usually look like, how long, ect…


    Robert Gray

    Anyone do HIIT on stationary bikes? Of so what does your workout usually look like, how long, ect...

    My last HIIT was on a stationary bike.  30 seconds all-out, 60 seconds at a slow pace.  Rinsed and repeated 8 times.


    Richard Schmitt

    As prescribed in the book, podcasts, and Tubecasts.


    It's just about the only way I'll do it.



    Kiefer has a youtube channel that has a ton on info check out these 2 on HIIT for men and timing.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZeUl4vFDcEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZev9g_N5Co



    Try this one….I read on simplyshredded.com about some different forms of HITT cardio. The one that got my attention was the car push.....yup, you heard right, the car push. Push for 30 sec and walk/rest for 1-3 min. Since I live in frigid Idaho, I modified it last night and used the spinning bike as my car. Warmed up for a couple of minutes, cranked up the leverage so your using the same force it would take to push an SUV, then rest for 1 min. After about 12 min of that, I was fried!!!! Damn bike never moved an inch tho!!  ???



    Try this one....I read on simplyshredded.com about some different forms of HITT cardio. The one that got my attention was the car push.....yup, you heard right, the car push. Push for 30 sec and walk/rest for 1-3 min. Since I live in frigid Idaho, I modified it last night and used the spinning bike as my car. Warmed up for a couple of minutes, cranked up the leverage so your using the same force it would take to push an SUV, then rest for 1 min. After about 12 min of that, I was fried!!!! Damn bike never moved an inch tho!!  ???

    Here's the link if you want to check out a few more varieties of HITT...http://www.simplyshredded.com/crank-it-up-6-hiit-cardio-workouts-to-help-shred-the-fat.html



    If you have an indoor trainer, this is one of the best Interval workouts:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeEHYdFhK4o&list=FLI1X87Yb_jO5HN0H7VZXMXQ

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HIIT on stationary bike?

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