Traveling alone

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    How many people here have done/do it? What do you think?Im considering going to LA to fly a fighter jet, that is my main reason for going but while there I also wanted to go to disney and then hit up Vegas and New york the friend I was meant to be going with has recently bailed on me so Im wondering if its worth going alone.Personally I dont think disney or vegas would be much fun and spending 1500 on airfares plus 1000 on accommodation if all Im going to do is fly the fighter jet seems a bit wasteful. Im not generally the most out going person in the world, definitely not the life of the party/hit on random woman kind of guy. Although most of the time I dont have an issue talking once someone else starts, I still think it might suck a bit being on holidays alone though, especially those specific destinations.


    Brandon D Christ

    Where are you flying from? 





    I've traveled alone MANY times… including trips overseas (as far as Australia).It ain't no shit.  In fact, I find it relaxing not having to worry about a tag-a-long, or feeling obliged to run my fucking mouth b/c someone else is joining me.  I feel I can travel more efficiently.Then again... I'm a "Lone Wolf" type, so my opinion is severely biased.  I deal with people enough @ my job.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    I enjoy traveling by myself as well, but that is a hell of a trip to do by yourself.



    I am for the most part a loner as well and I went to Hawaii with my mum a few years ago and spent the majority of the time alone, however I nearly always had someone to eat breakfast and dinner with. I had a fairly good time in Hawaii but think it may have been better if I was travelling with another me. Im just not sure if they vegas, disney and ny thing would be fun alone.


    I am for the most part a loner as well and I went to Hawaii with my mum a few years ago and spent the majority of the time alone, however I nearly always had someone to eat breakfast and dinner with. I had a fairly good time in Hawaii but think it may have been better if I was travelling with another me. Im just not sure if they vegas, disney and ny thing would be fun alone.

    I live in NYC... and I am fine alone.  ;DI read a quote somewhere... I will paraphrase:  "If you make friends with yourself, you will never be alone."Cory



    If you're a guy and you exercise common sense, it's fine. Two of my female friends, both blonde, went to S. America for 6 weeks and got mugged 4 times! I went for 3 months to pretty much the same places with my (now ex) boyfriend (6'2") and no one tried it on at all.



    I've traveled to America from Australia alone 4 or 5 times.  In fact I met my fiancee over there 3 years ago and were getting married (over there) this September  ;D



    Congratulations Rookie! It must be hard work to fall in love with someone on the other side of the world.



    Congratulations Rookie! It must be hard work to fall in love with someone on the other side of the world.

    Thanks  🙂She's been here a few times as well...You would think its hard work but its really not... When you know, you know and as soon as I saw her I knew  :-[


    Congratulations Rookie! It must be hard work to fall in love with someone on the other side of the world.

    I've done it.  It can work... LOT of travel.In fact, I've really only seriously dated foreign girls.Cory

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Traveling alone

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