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    hey guys anyone out there do mma and strength train too? if so what program/template do you follow, looking on lifting 3-4 times per week and same with MMA too your suggestions would be appreciated



    hey guys anyone out there do mma and strength train too? if so what program/template do you follow, looking on lifting 3-4 times per week and same with MMA too your suggestions would be appreciated

    I train MMA competitively, and strength train. Im actually running CarbNite in lew of a fight comming up where I need to make weight. I also run 5/3/1 as far as strength training goes. I figure after my fight I might either run CBL/SA or a modified CN.Just as far as strength training goes I must say I've tried a bunch of programs but stuck with 5/3/1 for the last 3 years and it has allowed to both lift heavy shit, and train hard on the mats without 1 taking away from the other. It also has a TON of flexibility in the program that allows for lots of ways to set it up, and different assistance, and conditioning stuff to do.



    My assistance exersizes is what kills me, still dont knoe how to program for it and what lifts are bemificial or not whats yours look like?



    Depends. Theres an assistance template in the 5/3/1 book called the triumvirate wich us basically 3 assistance exercises pe main liftr lift. I usually do 1main lift, 1supplemental lift,2 assidtance. For instance for dwuatingMain lift: squatSupplemental lift: pause squatsAssistance lifts: ghr,rdl,slfl, abs(landmines,leg raise, sit ups)  As a fight comes near ill drop alot of the volume, and sup  work  When in doubt di 3x10 on assistance. Its all laid out in the 5/3/1 book, even what assistance exercises are best.

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