"The Muscle Matrix" by John Meadows, C.S.C.S.

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  • #146359


    Sickest combo EVER!!!1 arm BB rows will be done today and I need to build a meadows row handle too.

    The handle is an add on. The meadows row does not require the use of the handle. Just grab the loading sleeve of the bar. I've been doing them that way for years. If the weight on the bar exceeds your grip, put straps on.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMONO_cTI-Q&feature=share&list=PLA808445EA052D63A

    I understand that but I want to make the handle to try out. It'll be free so why not. Tonight I'll be doing the without the handle since I haven't made it yet.



    Might have to try out this routine while density bulking after my powerlifting meet



    There are better routines out there by John Meadows, he has a bunch of training articles on T-nation as well as that article he did for 12 week program in Muscle and Fitness 1 to 2 years ago. The one listed in the Mens Fitness seemed rather tame by his standards.



    There are better routines out there by John Meadows, he has a bunch of training articles on T-nation as well as that article he did for 12 week program in Muscle and Fitness 1 to 2 years ago. The one listed in the Mens Fitness seemed rather tame by his standards.

    He's writing to the demographic. Men's Fitness is pretty far removed from MnF or MD.



    There are better routines out there by John Meadows, he has a bunch of training articles on T-nation as well as that article he did for 12 week program in Muscle and Fitness 1 to 2 years ago. The one listed in the Mens Fitness seemed rather tame by his standards.

    He's writing to the demographic. Men's Fitness is pretty far removed from MnF or MD.

    Was writing to the person who posted above mine, since he said he was prepping for a PL'iong meet, think he'd like the other routines better.



    If you want serious meadows routine, buy access to his exclusive site its only 10 bucks and has tons of training and nutrition stuff. Definately worth it IMOI also just grab the sleeve for meadows row but I have access to the handle if I need it, I strap everytime though because I have small hands and the BB sleeve is thick



    If you want serious meadows routine, buy access to his exclusive site its only 10 bucks and has tons of training and nutrition stuff. Definately worth it IMOI also just grab the sleeve for meadows row but I have access to the handle if I need it, I strap everytime though because I have small hands and the BB sleeve is thick

    Does he have monthly set plans? I like to not think about what im going to do at gym



    I've used him for te past 16 weeks or so, for both training and diet. The progress I've made is unreal. His training is really really hard, but the gains are amazing. It's expensive, but worth every penny. Go onto his site, there's a couple of plans to choose from.



    Just got lost watching his youtube channel haha.

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"The Muscle Matrix" by John Meadows, C.S.C.S.

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