Dessert Rice?

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    I understand some people mix some sweet toppings in with their rice like chocolate, honey, and other delicious things of that nature.Has anyone tried these kinds of this dessert-style rice? (For the record, I am aware of the existence of rice pudding.) I'm curious to hear some different variations!


    I love some maple syrup on my rice. I picked up some boysenberry syrup to try sometime soon.



    I suppose you can throw almost anything on rice, seeing as how it does not have a very strong taste.I was considering having some rice with chocolate ice cream or rice and jam.


    I suppose you can throw almost anything on rice, seeing as how it does not have a very strong taste.I was considering having some rice with chocolate ice cream or rice and jam.

    I imagine both would be great.I'd go with ice cream.



    Yum! Ice cream + rice.Rice + toffee is great too.Yep, rice goes with everything!


    Yum! Ice cream + rice.Rice + toffee is great too.Yep, rice goes with everything!

    Mmm, rice and toffee.

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Dessert Rice?

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