Nicotine & HRV

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    Some speculation that

    "[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]Smoking cessation significantly enhances [/font]

    [font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif][/font]HRV[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif] in chronic male smokers, indicating improved autonomic modulation of the [/font]heart[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]. Results suggest that these findings may be primarily attributable to nicotine discontinuation rather than tobacco smoke discontinuation alone."[/font] noting. Poor HRV = chronic stress. Chronic stress = poor body composition/physical & mental performance.(HRV = Heart Rate Variability. Higher Heart Rate Variability is correlated with lower mortality rates, less risk of stroke or heart disease)


    Justin Guimond

    From an initial skim, I didn't see any nicotine mg values… I assume they didn't test just nicotine (not smoking) as a control, or low nicotine doses?  Did you read the study thoroughly?



    I don't know if the study tells us anything, besides that smokers who quit will show better biomarkers. Sure they slowly weaned them off from smoking by using a transdermal patch, but where's the control group of non-smokers given a transdermal patch?The dosages are probably listed in the full study. It's interesting but uh, possibly not relevant to those cycling on and off a 1mg (or possibly less) dose taken 2-3x/wk.

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Nicotine & HRV

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