Feeling very lethargic

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    It's day 7 for me on CBL and feel like garbage and very tired. Having mild heart palpitations also. I'm following the prep phase eating plans to a T and have been hitting the gym consistently.  So far I dropped 10 lbs. Is the way I'm feeling normal for where I am?  I started prep phase 165 now 155-156 lbs.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yes, your body is getting used to ULC and priming your body to utilize CBL more effeiciently when your begin to backload. Just stick to another 3 days and the benefits out weigh this feeling. It'll go away soon. Up ULC meals if need be



    Ok thanks man



    That first week is a bitch.  Nothing much helps it either.  I have done ULC with a cheat-day (a la 4 Hour Body) for about 4 weeks now.  I took a week off due to travelling for work and am now on a 10 day reorientation for CBL which started Monday.  Tuesday and Weds I had a screaming headache.  About halfway through my workout last night it went away and today I feel great.  Much less 'head-foggy'.  Keep on with it…the first week for me was bad but subsequent weeks got easier once your body gets used to the new “routine”.


    I am currently on Carb Nite but the first week was tough for me as well. I started on a Friday so my CN can be on Sunday's and by the first Wednesday I looked and felt horrible lol. The weirdest thing was the fact my workout's were still excellent. That was the only time once I was depleted that I felt great.



    The weirdest thing was the fact my workout's were still excellent. That was the only time once I was depleted that I felt great.

    I noticed that as well.  As long as I could force myself to get to the gym, 15-20 minutes in I felt awesome.



    Thanks for the feedback everyone. Much appreciated!

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Feeling very lethargic

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