BCAA’s in protein sources.

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    Bodybuilding.com posted an article and chart on the amounts off BCAA's and luecine per gram of protein in several types of meats and other protein sources.  Though y'all might find this interesting since we care about high amounts of luecine and spiking insulin. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/ask-the-macro-manager-what-are-the-best-bcaa-food-sources.html


    Richard Schmitt

    I'll give this a gander thanks!


    Tiago Nicolau

    Egg whites do have the most amount of Leucine per gram of protein!With lots of fat it shouldnt be a problem i suppose!


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah the whole egg has .54g of leucine, compared to the whites having .3g. Great reason to pair it with coconut oil and beef



    I like adding HWC to my eggs and egg whites makes them fluffy and then chop up some bacon and throw it in with hot sauce!!! Delicous!

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BCAA’s in protein sources.

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