Which protein powder from these would you choose? (or suggest some other in EU available powder)SCITEC NUTRITION Zero Carb IsobestDymatize ISO.100BIOTECH ISO Whey ZEROThe Biotech one is the cheapest (1,5kg for 30 EUR), Dymatize and Scitec are rougly the same price.Biotech ISO Whey Zero - Aspartame, SucraloseDymatize ISO.100 - SucraloseSCITEC Zero Carb Isobest - Acesulfame-K, SucraloseThanks 🙂
The first one uses sucralose to hide the carbs, so it's not really zero. So does the second one. Third one says “thickeners (E466, E415), sweeteners (E951, E955)”. Really a crap shoot but the 3rd looks to be the worst.RB
I suspected they're not the best, but is it really that bad? :-What would you suggest?...or if somebody is really bored, maybe he could help me find something in these shops:shop 1shop 2🙂
When I run out of my current WPI blend (it's called Max's WPI and it's vanilla flavoured) I'm just going to play it safe and get pure whey protein isolate like this one: https://www.wheyprotein.com.au/info_WheyProteinIsolate.aspxI reckon it would have no flavour at all but once I add stevia, instant coffee and cream it will taste just like a regular iced coffee. If I get bored of this then I'll just switch to cocoa.I can't be bothered anymore with trying to work out whether the ingredients in typical flavoured protein powders are okay or not - just looking at the ingredients list on those things make me think a chemistry lab is producing and selling them. Too hard.