I was wondering if I can get some input on training at the moment. Just finished 3cycles BBB wendler 5/3/1. I did this to get an good idea where my max's are for the main lifts and to build up some strength. I have tweaked the routine to which I think is a more hypertrophy style routine?…At the moment I am on CNS diet wise, so trying to lose some fat before I go on holiday and I will also try to keep it that way untill I get back home. So one CN a week at the moment, might change it to 2 a week...So here's the routine:Day 1: Shoulders and Biceps Standing Military Press 5/3/1 DB Military Press 5 x10 Side Laterals/Rear Laterals 4 x12 Shrugs 4x12 Barbell Curls 4 x12 Seated incline hammer Curls 4 x10Day 2: Back Deadlift 5/3/1 Deadlift 60% - 5x10 Bent Over Rows 4 x12 Chin ups 4 x10 (or do Lat Pulldowns) Back raises 4 x10 (Was wondering if I could sub this for stiff leg deadlifts?) Hanging Leg Raises 4 x12Day 3: Chest and Triceps Bench Press 5/3/1 Bench press 60% - 5x10 Weighted Dips / DB incline press 4 x10 DB Flyes 4 x12 Triceps Pushdowns 4 x15- 20 Push ups 4 sets to failureDay 4: Legs and Abs Squat 5/3/1 Squat 60% - 5x10 Lunges 4 x 12 Leg Curls 4 x 12 Leg Extensions 4 x12 Calf raises 4x AMAP Ab Wheel 4 x15-20So what you guys or gals think? Too much or to little volume? Did I group the exercises correctly?...Any suggestions welcome!