what is shockwave?

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    sorry if that sounds dim, I am new here


    Fernando Aguilar

    Shockwave is a resistance training protocol made by Kiefer


    Richard Schmitt

    Its quite alright, I wish a more thorough article was released explaining SW a bit more, at least in the words from Kiefer himself. Kiefer created Shockwave, it consists of reps/sets that will constantly keep your performance up and improving while on a specific diet protocol. With Shockwave as written, perfect for some one Carb Nite. A little tweaking and modification would be ideal with Carb Backloading as well. The Resistance Training protocol, if done correctly, should keep you from feeling run down and fit to your needs.



    Thank you


    joshua wright

    I would like to know good workout but cannot dowload anywhere!Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2

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what is shockwave?

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