Please critique modified 5×5 for summer

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    Hello DH forum members! Summer vacation is coming up in my country and I'd like to set a program for maximum strength gains and some muscle building as well. I started serious lifting last July with stronglifts 5×5, made great gains then started stalling and my form sucked. Now I suspect I wasn't eating and sleeping enough. This january I switched to 5/3/1 and I was able to recover better and break through some plateus and am about to finish my 2nd cycle.This summer I think I'll have more time to eat CBL DB style, rest and recover so I'm looking forward to switching back to 5x5, 2-day split style. I'm not really keen on squatting heavy every workout again so I'm thinking about some modifications. What do you think of this plan? Also, I'd like to try to include hang cleans or something for more trap development, when do you think I should include it?Workout ASquat 5x5Bench Press 5x5Bodyweight Row 5x max which is 8 to 14 so farWorkout BBodyweight Squats to warm upPress 5x5Deadlift 1x5Pullups 5 x max, which is about 3 so far1RMsSquat 215lbsBench Press 125lbsDeadlift 255lbsOverhead Press 80lbsMy upper body lifts lag behind my lower body lifts, so I'm really looking to improve on them. I'm kind of a long-limbed, built to pull guy.24yo male, 5'10", been hovering about 70kg (155lbs) since october, but I feel I'm gaining muscle, especially on my chest, traps and butt. 16% bf on tape measure method.I'd really appreciate any input and advice. Thank you!



    Your bodyweight and 1RMs are low enough that you should still be doing a linear progression program.  Take a look at Starting Strength or return to StrongLifts.



    Your bodyweight and 1RMs are low enough that you should still be doing a linear progression program.  Take a look at Starting Strength or return to StrongLifts.

    take a look at GSLP by johhny pain, a great lp to follow



    Your bodyweight and 1RMs are low enough that you should still be doing a linear progression program.  Take a look at Starting Strength or return to StrongLifts.

    take a look at GSLP by johhny pain, a great lp to follow

    Another good program for where OP is at, great suggestion.



    Your bodyweight and 1RMs are low enough that you should still be doing a linear progression program.  Take a look at Starting Strength or return to StrongLifts.

    take a look at GSLP by johhny pain, a great lp to follow

    Another good program for where OP is at, great suggestion.

    u know wht ive fucked around the last 6-8 momths getting very minimal results with other programs, i rocked gslp for a good 3 months and fuk me sideways my squat shot through the roof as well as my other lifts too, only reason why i stoped is because i wanted more volume and didnt know how to split it 4 daysIn other words do it man



    Id say if you want to use a program like that on DB you are going to need more assistance work and overall volume. You could do a drop set on your last set of 5×5 and maybe add a few isolation exercises at the end



    Thank you for your replies. I really want to do linear progression while I can, but I didn't recover too well with the squatting every workout on stronglifts. I'll definitely look into GSLP. One question though, how do you increase the weight by 2.5lbs? do you just put a 2.5lb plate on one side of the bar or something?



    Thank you for your replies. I really want to do linear progression while I can, but I didn't recover too well with the squatting every workout on stronglifts. I'll definitely look into GSLP. One question though, how do you increase the weight by 2.5lbs? do you just put a 2.5lb plate on one side of the bar or something?

    i dont mean to sound like a smart ass but yes how else would you? Lol



    Thank you for your replies. I really want to do linear progression while I can, but I didn't recover too well with the squatting every workout on stronglifts. I'll definitely look into GSLP. One question though, how do you increase the weight by 2.5lbs? do you just put a 2.5lb plate on one side of the bar or something?

    i dont mean to sound like a smart ass but yes how else would you? Lol

    No. Use the smallest available jump. It might have to be 5lbs if all you have is 2.5lb plates. Most gyms dont go lower that Ive seen. You can buy platemates of your own if you are so inclined. They make smaller "MICRO" increments plates.



    Hmmm… living in South East Asia I don't think ordering those is feasible. I'll figure something out.Another thing though, do you recommend assistance work with GSLP? What would be good for maximizing strength gains? would back-off sets be good or is the last 5+ set enough?



    Hmmm... living in South East Asia I don't think ordering those is feasible. I'll figure something out.

    Can you weigh and get chain cut? a small amount of chain would be an easy, cheap option.



    Hmmm... living in South East Asia I don't think ordering those is feasible. I'll figure something out.Another thing though, do you recommend assistance work with GSLP? What would be good for maximizing strength gains? would back-off sets be good or is the last 5+ set enough?

    man i seriously recomend the book, its great, no back off just go all out u mad dogg



    Thank you all for your advice, the DH community is awesome!The more I look into GSLP the more I think it could be what I need to break through my upper-body strength plateaus. Really excited to start using it.In the meantime, I've finished my second 5/3/1 cycle and tested my new 1RMs today!Squat 230lbsBench 135lbsDeadlift 280lbs (w/ belt)Press 85lbsPlanning to start GSLP with the following weights, should be enough to make my 5+ sets reach 7 to 10 at first.Squat 180lbsBench 100lbsDeadlift 220lbsPress 70lbs

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Please critique modified 5×5 for summer

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