What about isometric holds and gymnastics?

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    Hi!After several years of weighttraining I´m taking the leap of going all in for atleast 12 weeks of gymnastic bodyweight-training only.If I know I´m going to splurge, I´ll do a session of SWHD Back aswell just to ensure good calorie partitioning and muscle-growth.I´m using Coach Christopher Sommer (http://www.gymnasticbodies.com), Foundation One program which incorporates both isometric holds for time and different kinds of bodyweight exercises as well. The volume ranges in the beginning from 3x3 reps with a short 30-60 sec break in between, to in the end 5x15 reps  The restperiod stays the same throughout the program.For isometric holds, it goes from 3x12 to 5x60 seconds. Here aswell, the restperiod is about 30-60 seconds long.The whole workout takes about 35-40 minutes, including my shoulder rehab program (Dieselcrews Shoulder Rehab protocol http://youtu.be/A0ONHZmsFec ) consisting of 5 different circuits, 1/day 3-5 exercises 1-3 sets with 12-15 reps.When my shoulders feel more stable, I´ll add in handstand practise for 15-20 minutes so the workout will end up being about 50-60 minutes long.Now for the questionsWhat energysystem does isometric holds use? Is it the same as regular dynamic exercise, that after about 6 seconds, creatine/ATP system is depleted and carbohydrate-usage kicks in?What about bodyweight training? If the exercises are so demanding that I can´t do more than 10 per set with good form, are they equivalent to lifting weights with the same intensity in terms of glut4 translocation and all the other good stuff we want when doing CNS or CBL?The main question isFor fatloss/lean gaining, using this type of training, can I use CNS as prescribed, or does isometric holds done 5 days a week, utilize carbs at a to high amount for my performance to be maintained eating sub 30 g of carbs/day?





    Gymnastics and iso holds would be fine for CNS.They could be made to work with CBL, but it would likely be harder and require advanced stuff.So yes, do CNS as written.



    Ok, cool. Do you know if isometric holds translocate glut4 the same way that regular weighttraining does?


    Ok, cool. Do you know if isometric holds translocate glut4 the same way that regular weighttraining does?

    Strong contractions translocated it, to what extent a isometric contraction would is unknown. But doing stuff like ring dips, handstand press-ups, ring pull-ups (strict), and pistol squats would require some heavy contractions and could be used most likely it backload. Though maybe not to eh extent heavy weights would allow.


    Gabe Gaskins

    You dont have to do one exclusively. I enjoy a heavy bar lift then get all my assistance lifts via bw stuff. I used Killroy's plan on Coach Sommer's site. I must say, the front/back lever stuff as well as skin the cat has helped my shoulders greatly.Word of caution, do the hand/wrist warmups DAILY. You will be using your hands in different ways than just grabbing a bar and doing reps. Tendonitis is a bitch, be pro-active with that. I had a strong grip but balancing frog stands and headstand pushups with my 200 lb ass was a little more than my wrists were used too. Be Patient!

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What about isometric holds and gymnastics?

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