Frustrated! Restarting next week.

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    Hey ya'll, I've been trying CBL for the last several weeks and I haven't experienced any significant change that warrants my patience in adherence to my current model. I've had a bit of a rough week, life caught up to me, and I have had to throw timing and macro ratios out the window in order to just eat and maintain an energy level. I'm going to attempt a restart to this next week and would like some insight as to whether my plan is correct or not. History, Used to be fat, started as Crossfitter and paleo. Began exploring, found lean gains and dropped from 195 to 180 with about 11% BF. Got frustrated with the weights, started a dirty bulk, got to 200 and 18% body fat, slightly stronger. Since I have stopped crossfit and just want to lift heavy and get my physique to where I want it. Since the dirty bulk ended at the beginning of February I have been doing CBL. Initially I only did a 6 day ULC, have been lifting heavy 5 days a week with a metcon once a week. Macros look around (I don't measure exactly) 230 grams P, 100g F, and 300 or so grams C. On rest days I try to hit 230 P and 230 F with as little carbs as possible. I'm currently 195 and about 15% BF. I wake up around 8:00 -  fast in the morning with only coffee, heavy cream, and a little less than half a scoop of whey isolate in each coffee.Workout at noon. I currently have no other option. I have classes early morning and work night shift. Postworkout would have a cup or two of whole milk and a scoop of whey isolate with my fish oil.First meal around 2:00 - usually eggs, butter, cheese, bacon, sausage or steak or 85/15 ground beef, and an avocado everyday.Second meal around 7:30 - first backload meal with rice and steak and beans or sometimes a burrito, or rest day meal with steak and veggies and beans cooked in coconut oil, sometimes add guacamole.Third meal around 12:00 - backload meal of chicken and sweet potatoes, or rest day meal beef soup with celery, onions, tomatoes, carrots and bed soon after. What is frustrating is that as soon as I stopped drinking beer several times a week, the 5 pounds dropped off and I've hovered there for the last 8 to 10 weeks without any change in body comp. I want to get back to 10 or 12% BF but I also want to stack on some muscle at the same time. So specifically, I would like to stay at 195 and add the muscle while losing the fat to just recomp to 10% I currently have no desire to get any lower, because I like the way I look and perform there. Do you think I'm not eating enough? Or am I eating too much? Should I adjust what i take in during the LC portion of the day? Add anything? Remove anything? Train earlier? Reduce my back load window, or reduce the number of back loads I have per week? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



    I would make sure your getting optimal macros peri-workout. Make sure you are hitting the protein hard!  This will make the difference in retaining muscle and gaining/losing muscle… Also, fasting until 2:00pm is pretty counter-intuitive to gaining muscle.  You should incorporate some protein/fat meals prior to training… don't starve your muscles. provide an environment for them to grow in!If you can manage your carbohydrate intake property utilizing the CBL SA protocol you should be able to minimize fat gain completely, while building muscle. 



    Another issue i have there, i dont have time to eat pre workout most days. And when I do I feel like I'm taking away from my other meals for later in the day.

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Frustrated! Restarting next week.

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