Trying to answer some questions…

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    John Albrecht

    Im new to CBL, and i understand what Kiefer is saying.  General health is important to me as well, but i also understand that follwing a plan for a time shouldnt throw anyone out of whack (short of a drug binge with contaminated needles or the illusion of flight, etc)Questions my wife had are along the lines:1) how will this affect your cholesterol levels?2) could this lead to heart health problems?Im more likely to die of cancer than heart stuff, but dont understand cholesterol that well.  i know there are good and bad an that it is linked to testosterone production...I think i am healthy and now that i am 31 will get check regularly - ish, but i consider these legit questions from a spouse and am not sure how to answer them.ay help or citations would be good/great!Thanks!


    Firstly, saturated fat and dietary cholestrol wont cause heart disease, so lets get that out of the way>As far as fats focus on having most of them from Grass-fed animal souces, wild fish, coconut and palm oil, some EVOO and some avocado aren't bad either. If you can't do grass-fed/pastrued animals go for coconut/palm oil, MCT oil, or grass-fed butter to add fat to lean sources of meats.As far as carbs, you don't have to do all junk all the time.Junk has a place, but for the most part the majorty of your carbs will like be from potatoes, flour (Ehh, not great but not bad), white rice, or other tubers so providing you don't use CBL as an excuse to eat like utter shit all the time you don't need to worry.



    Oh Jesus Christ, you had to mention cholesterol didn't you? To answer anything related to chol, read The Cholesterol Myth. End all be all regarding that subject. For the basics, forget everything CW has taught you about cholesterol, dietary cholesterol intake does not affect circulating blood lipid levels of cholesterol which is predetermined by your liver; LDL type and triglyceride levels are more important; LDLb is deadly, LDLa is not; reduce as much inflammation as you can by eating organic grass fed red meat and eggs, wild caught fish, and taking fish oil daily; eat everything coconut. This will lead to heart health problems if you have pre-existing heart health problems….


    Oh Jesus Christ, you had to mention cholesterol didn't you? To answer anything related to chol, read The Cholesterol Myth. End all be all regarding that subject. For the basics, forget everything CW has taught you about cholesterol, dietary cholesterol intake does not affect circulating blood lipid levels of cholesterol which is predetermined by your liver; LDL type and triglyceride levels are more important; LDLb is deadly, LDLa is not; reduce as much inflammation as you can by eating organic grass fed red meat and eggs, wild caught fish, and taking fish oil daily; eat everything coconut. This will lead to heart health problems if you have pre-existing heart health problems....

    I think you and I will be good friends.


    Marty P Koch

    Okay, so then I should not worry about my LDL levels increasing over the last 6 months since embracing CNS whole-heartedly by switching to 85/15 GF beef with Bacon as a 'side' for approximately 6.5 days/week?  Just got my semi-annual assessment, and it was surprising.  I have been on the Anabolic Solution for many years before coming over to this philosophy, so the jump was a bit surprising.  Limiting the carb-up to the post-3:00 p.m. period once a week and the food choices are the only lifestyle changes over this timeframe.LDL has gone from 81 to 128 over this period during which I have ditched eggs, cheese and nut-butters in deference to the first two staples, but I am a bit concerned.  I do not have information as to the incremental components of the LDL figure, only the total.  I am told that my insurance company will not cover the cost of the more detailed analysis.



    What about your hdl and triglyceride levels?


    Marty P Koch

    Triglycerides were down from 143 to 93 and HDL was steady at 48.



    I don't know enough about cholesterol to put your mind to rest if this is bothering you. I know Dr. Asa Andrews is pretty extensive in the stuff and you might could learn more if you look him up, maybe he can help you get in touch with a doctor who is local and more knowledgable in this particular area. I haven't talked with too many people about their cholesterol but compared with the few that I have, your levels seem normal.


    Marty P Koch

    Thanks for that reasonable response and the leads to pursue.  I will definitely explore that a bit.Now to put this in prespective, I am not panicking or really terribly worried from a 'health risk' perspective, per se, at the moment as numbers are still within range.  It is more the 'trend' aspect of the rising LDL.  Obviously only time will tell if it has/will level off or continue to rise.  My questioning comes more so as it relates to compliance with these protocols.  We are warned away from plant & nut fats, and I totally understand that perspective per the reasons & science presented.  We are steered toward animal fats such as beef (GF primarily) and that from bacon, etc.  Good, understood, and again totally agree in theory.  The question arises when some of these markers start indicating other than what is expected.  I don't think anyone will say that rising LDL #s are desired - or maybe I am wrong on that - but you get my point.I am just wondering at this point if anyone has (or knows of anyone who has) had to bail on the protocol because of the situation where his/her biomarkers got out of whack from compliance with these principles.  In other words, he/she was doing things 'right' but their body for whatever reason 'rejected' the protocol - aside from the girl who had a know disease state and had those serious issues whereby she had to be hospitalized.


    Member this article helps some. Mark is pretty smart too and usually my go to for all the science-y stuff. I'm just not too concerned about cholesterol right now, I'm only 26.

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