Glycogen Debt

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    I decided to stop bulking and start cutting for summer.. starting today. I went to the gym and worked out my back. I Did Deadlifts, lat pulldowns and lat dumbbell pulls (thats all I had energy for). I wasn't lifting as much as I did last week though. I ate plenty of Carby foods yesterday on easter and got plenty of rest for today's workout. I just don't know what happened.Could I not be eating enough? Also I wanted to combine Intermittent fasting and Carb-nite. Any tips on how to combine these and how to avoid glycogen debts.. which seems to be the story of my life...


    If you are on Carb nite you are going to be running low on glycogen pretty much every day except the day after your carb nite. Period.


    Richard Schmitt

    If you are on Carb nite you are going to be running low on glycogen pretty much every day except the day after your carb nite. Period.



    But what about where Keifer said you can gain strength on the carb-nite diet?


    Richard Schmitt

    But what about where Keifer said you can gain strength on the carb-nite diet?

    In the articles on the DH page and various members using CNS


    should I just only lift 2 days a week after my CN?


    should I just only lift 2 days a week after my CN?

    Why not backload?You can lift, but you will be draining glycogen daily. Even without lifting you will be fully depleted in 4-5 days.


    I'm trying to lose body fat and gain strength.. im not so worried about mass now

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Glycogen Debt

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