I second going to proteinfactory or truenutrition. Both places you can create your own blend, buy premixed blends or just get 100% whey isolate/hydrolyzed whey for cheap and top-notch quality. They'll have creatine and leucine on proteinfactory and truenutrition's website as well. I just ordered from TrueNutrition, i bought 2 pounds of cfm whey isolate, 2 lbs hydrolyzed whey isolate, a kilo(1000g) of creapure creatine monohydrate, and a kilo of leucine. They protein powder should last a few weeks, the creatine and leucine should last a few months. I think the Gold Standard Natural whey is ok, its a blend of concentrate, isolate and some other stuff. For the price, I would rather just get isolate and not have to deal with drinking the blends/concentrate.