Body Wrapping?

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  • #7665

    Brandon D Christ

    I keep hearing about this procedure where you get wrapped and it's supposed to make you slimmer?  Has anyone else ever heard of this and how does it work?  It looks like some sort of scam to me.



    I keep hearing about this procedure where you get wrapped and it's supposed to make you slimmer?  Has anyone else ever heard of this and how does it work?  It looks like some sort of scam to me.

    I've heard of it, I'd assume it forces water retention from the skin and is a short term starlet style red carpet fix..Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2



    I keep hearing about this procedure where you get wrapped and it's supposed to make you slimmer?  Has anyone else ever heard of this and how does it work?  It looks like some sort of scam to me.

    I heard of it That's a good question.  I know a lot of bodybuilders also swear by wearing a belt during the full workout because they are trying to alter their structure and it supposedly can aid in helping to re-shape them.  Me personally i take it as, we are just kind of moving fat around  Lol


    I know how to do them.They are a gimmick. Being a massage therapist I can do them and they are a great way to make money, but I refuse to do them because of the way most people market them. They will flush out water and lymphatic waste so there will be a slimming effect but most people will say weight loss or fat loss and sell them in packages saying after 12 sessions is a permanent loss, but as you all know it's not.


    Brandon D Christ

    I know how to do them.They are a gimmick. Being a massage therapist I can do them and they are a great way to make money, but I refuse to do them because of the way most people market them. They will flush out water and lymphatic waste so there will be a slimming effect but most people will say weight loss or fat loss and sell them in packages saying after 12 sessions is a permanent loss, but as you all know it's not.

    A bunch of girls I used to work with a few years back started working for this company and they post these before and after pictures on facebook trying to market this stuff.  I am gonna keep my mouth shut on the matter though...don't want to make any enemies.


    I know how to do them.They are a gimmick. Being a massage therapist I can do them and they are a great way to make money, but I refuse to do them because of the way most people market them. They will flush out water and lymphatic waste so there will be a slimming effect but most people will say weight loss or fat loss and sell them in packages saying after 12 sessions is a permanent loss, but as you all know it's not.

    A bunch of girls I used to work with a few years back started working for this company and they post these before and after pictures on facebook trying to market this stuff.  I am gonna keep my mouth shut on the matter though...don't want to make any enemies.

    Smart thinking. I have some friends that do it and they do the same thing on FB, as much as I want to call them out on it I just try my best to ignore it.



    I know how to do them.They are a gimmick. Being a massage therapist I can do them and they are a great way to make money, but I refuse to do them because of the way most people market them. They will flush out water and lymphatic waste so there will be a slimming effect but most people will say weight loss or fat loss and sell them in packages saying after 12 sessions is a permanent loss, but as you all know it's not.

    A bunch of girls I used to work with a few years back started working for this company and they post these before and after pictures on facebook trying to market this stuff.  I am gonna keep my mouth shut on the matter though...don't want to make any enemies.

    I agree with , it is a marketing scheme , i have a cousin who does the same thing on FB , she did try "cheerleading " me to buy one , i said no thnx , its hogwash , ill stick with eating right and training ,  I then felt compelled to tell her to wrap her  cranium in it  😉 , she has a good sense of haha .



    OMG ! ...  i have found the ultimate solution , eat your heart out Keifer  😉 

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Body Wrapping?

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