Metric vs Imperial

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    Just checking how many people are metric against how many still use “old money” as it were 😀 As you may have guess, I'm metric, but lbs/2.2=kg does help :3I'd be interested in your thoughts 🙂


    Christopher VanWell

    America is still using the old Imperial system, most of us have to google a converter to figure out the metric system.


    Brandon D Christ

    It depends on the application for me.  I like the metric system for certain things, but for everyday/practical things I prefer the Imperial system.


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    Metric. Prefer it, love it, grew up with it. Well, I'm from an European country, so it figures. Strange thing is, the weights in my gym are in pounds. Very confusing at first, but I have to say I like the larger numbers, makes me feel better. 🙂

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Metric vs Imperial

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