Peanut butter

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    Colin Hall

    In terms of getting enough fats in your meals in the early part of the day MCT oils seems to be the best option. How does peanut butter compete with MCT? I tend to eat meat or fish with vegetables and 2 teaspoons o peanut butter in my early meals. Any advice or comments on this people?


    Richard Schmitt

    Check out that oil article on the DH Site


    Not even close is how it compares. Peanut butter is the worst health wise of nut butters.


    Colin Hall

    Ok so MCT oil is better than peanut butter but only if every other part of your diet is spot on.. Is it really gonna make that much difference to fat burning which you take ? Peanut butter without sugar in gives a big boost to your calorie intake in the early part of the day if you eat on the go like I do..a tin of sardines , some raw veg and a couple of spoonfuls of sugar free peanut butter is quick and easy when you are out an about..If I replace the peanut butter with MCT do I need to make up the calories with something else or can you just do that later in the day with backload????



    1 tbsp of MCT= 130 ish cals and great for fat burning and health.1tbsp of PB= 90-100 cals and not the best for health or body comp. So you dont need to make up any cals, just switch them. (i still eat pb every once in a while thought cause I like it even though its not ideal)


    Colin Hall

    Ok so how many mg a day should I take of MCT and what are the best products/companies to buy it from.Any benefit of gels over liquid or powder form?


    Ry Diggs

    Just buy bulletproof upgraded mct oilUse 1-2 tbsps each morning in your coffeeThen prepare to own the universe



    Just buy bulletproof upgraded mct oilUse 1-2 tbsps each morning in your coffeeThen prepare to own the universe

    couldn't have said it better myself...


    Ok so MCT oil is better than peanut butter but only if every other part of your diet is spot on.. Is it really gonna make that much difference to fat burning which you take ?

    Considering he wrote an entire article and mentions all the benefits of mct oil over nut oils all the time, it shouldn't make that much of a difference 🙂

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Peanut butter

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