Ice cream trouble

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    Nadya Topalovaivan

    Hi everybody,I want to share my recent experience. FYI I'm on CNS right now, I'm having a carbnite every 5th night. I'm also following the HD (heavyduty) protocols.Anyway, back to the subject. I decided I would stop the dairy(cow) products, as I've seen quiet a few people being held back by it. It can't really say I've noticed a difference and I'll probably come back to it, but not just yet.So, I'm having my carbnite, and after my final meal I'm going for the big bowl of ice cream. Went to bed and a couple of hours later I'm rushing for the toilet to have an explosive.... experience. That was last week. I wasn't sure who was the culprit. I though I had too much gluten or something... Yesterday, again my carbnite, I decide to begin with a small cone of ice cream, couldn't resist. Not 20 minutes later I was in the toilet again. I was, then, sure it was the ice cream. Seemingly, I made my body quite sensitive to dairy products, ice cream included. This utterly sucks. Maybe I'll start introducing dairy little by little again. Or, maybe, I should stop it all together...



    That'll be the lactose then.I get the same. Cheese and butter are OK. Cream to a certain extent too, maybe for a couple weeks before I get stomach issues. I've decided to remove it altogether to make it easier.Give it a break, and your stomach a rest, and then try re-introducing cheese.Good luck!



    This utterly sucks.

    Or maybe it 'udderly' made me laugh.


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    This utterly sucks.

    Or maybe it 'udderly' made me laugh.

    lol 🙂



    I was on a big stall earlier this year and I decided to cut out all dairy.  Including HWC.  That next week, I broke through the stall and had a pretty drop in weight.  Everything else I ate was the same.  But, I do have dairy on my Carbnite… NF Milk at the beginning and 3 – 4 scoops of ice cream at the end. 



    Ice cream has been my go-to backload food.  I haven't had any issues with it, but I've heard many stories like yours where dairy effected people's fat loss.


    Richard Schmitt

    Use So Delicious Almond Ice Cream, or Sugar Free Coconut Ice Cream. Or LaLoo's Goat Milk Ice Cream. I know some Sherberts are dairy Free.


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    Use So Delicious Almond Ice Cream, or Sugar Free Coconut Ice Cream. Or LaLoo's Goat Milk Ice Cream. I know some Sherberts are dairy Free.

    Thanks, Big Tex, we don't have these where I'm from, but I'm looking for some kind of dairy free ice cream. It's going to be a problem if I don't find any, though. I gotta have my ice cream. 🙂 P.s. I eat some goat cheese, it's pretty good and I don't think I have any problems with it. Few people do. Maybe I'll look for goat milk ice cream. ha



    I have the same issue. It goes down real easy and digestion is fine for the most part, but it makes me a lot more watery the next day. It's always temporary, but now I am going to avoid it for a while, see if it helps. I can have 600 carbs of bread and wake up a lot tighter than half that number with ice cream which rings a bell.



    I have the same issue. It goes down real easy and digestion is fine for the most part, but it makes me a lot more watery the next day. It's always temporary, but now I am going to avoid it for a while, see if it helps. I can have 600 carbs of bread and wake up a lot tighter than half that number with ice cream which rings a bell.

    Interesting...I'll pay attention to this and see if I notice the same thing...but I do enjoy my mint chocolate chip.


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    I made myself some ice cream with goat milk. I had no stomach problems and it was a great relief. Now, all I have to do is become a stracciatella master and my worries will be over. 🙂p.s. I used dextrose (powdered glucose) instead of sugar. I had to make the most of it.

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Ice cream trouble

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