Hydrostatic Body Fat Test

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    I got my Hydro test done and I was a little surprised.I got it from a mobile truck; the web site is http://bodyfattest.com/calendar-.htmlHydro tests are reported to be at ~1.5% accuracy rate.It only cost $49 with a second test 3 months later for $35What was surprising is that my Bioelectrical Impedance scale is more accurate than my calipers. The key to making the hydro test as accurate as possible is making sure you push out as much air as possible from your lungs when you go under the water.The hydro test said I was 19.2%BF, My scale 18%BF, Calipers 15%BFMy picture below was taken on the test day and my weight is 151lbs at 5' 5"The hydro test info said that I have to lose 12lbs of pure fat in order to reach 12%BF.I think at the rate I'm going, this is going to take about 3 or 4 months to reach 12%BF.So I think 15% is more realistic.29mar13.jpg



    BIA scales are pretty inconsistent –  one flick of a button and you can go from 22% to 6.8 percent,  All of that athlete mode crap $49 is pretty good deal i'd say!

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Hydrostatic Body Fat Test

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