What are the pitfalls of low Estrogen in men?

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    Tony Snow

    After months of waiting I was finally able to see an Endo and have a follow up to discuss my results. So my Test was 341 and my Free Test was 1.29.  I was stoked, as I used to be in the low to mid 200's on my Test (never had my Free Test checked.)  It really does seem like the weight loss, strength training, and saturated fats in my diet helped to raise my levels in the last 18 months.  I will be 50 in November by the way.The one thing the Endo did mention was that my Estrogen levels were low (not sure which number that is in my test results, I had a full metabolic profile done).So my question is:  What are the potential negative effects of low Estrogen in men?  I sure as hell don't want to supplement with Estrogen, but not sure how the low results would affect me.  The only thing the Endo said it could affect was bone density as I got older...


    Tony Snow

    Bump…any input?



    Not a clue, here.. This might be a good question for Dr. Google


    Tony Snow

    I hear ya, but you know how Google is…more info than you can sort through and not always reputable sources.  I was hoping someone on here may have experienced it or had a client who did.  So focused on Test levels that I never considered normal Test and low Estrogen and what that may mean.  The one constant I am seeing from Googling it is that it has the same symptoms as low Test: low libido, strength, and energy.Seems there was a recent study done around this, that is being referenced a few different places on Google:http://www.renalandurologynews.com/low-estrogen-explains-some-hypogonadal-symptoms-in-men/article/311348/



    I can only offer the experience of guys on cycle but typically estrogen has a lot to do with glycogen sythesis, joint lubrication and libido. Both low estrogen and high estrogen will kill your libido, but since your test is low your estrogen really isn't that low its not a bad balance actually and if you feel fine, ” perform” fine etc then I would leave it alone. Btw 341 test still seems a bit low.Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2


    Tony Snow

    Without a doubt, 341 is still on the low end, but much improved over where I was, and considering my age, the Endo will not treat me for low T, since it is within the acceptable range (300-800).My performance in the gym is fine, great intensity that has improved over time, but my libido and energy outside of the gym is still low.  I was having sleeping issues (sleep apnea due to being overweight) that has seemed to be resolved in the last year (with help from ZMA and Melatonin).  I also have been advised that I have a moderate case of Gyno, and the issues with my man boobs is not all fat, so not sure if that is related to the low E issue.

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What are the pitfalls of low Estrogen in men?

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