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    Hey guys,Currently I'm a 25 year old fatass! I'm 5'8" and 215 lbs. I'm gonna guess around 25% BF as well (hence the fatass comment). Last time I got my BF % taken I weighed 212 lbs and had a lean mass of 168 lbs so I was just above 20%. I tried crossfit for a couple months, but it got too expensive. I enjoyed it, but only because it was challenging, and had a great community feel where everyone was always encouraging. My goals would be to get somewhere below 15% Body Fat eventually, while at the same time increasing muscle mass again.I used to be very active in High School and even after, but like the subject implies, it's been awhile! I'm by no means a beginner in the weight room, but I have never taken supplements, aside from the occasional protein shake after a work out. I've always approached working out and dieting based on what I have heard or seen from people. I'd like to change that. I have been watching Kiefer's youtube channel for a bit and have even given CNS a shot, but found that I have EXTREME mood swings when I don't get to eat carbs after a couple days. So I purchased the CBL book. I love reading Kiefer's books, great sense of humor, and an intelligent breakdown of how everything works.I do have a couple questions though:

    • Where can I find a good caliper and directions to get an accurate measure of body fat?
    • As I've never taken supplements before, the recommended supplement information for post workout supplements as well as powdered carbohydrates is all new to me. Seems extremely expensive. I ran across a site: . Has anyone used this website to purchase supplements before? It seems rather cheap, which is why I was drawn to it! 🙂 If so, I need leucine, whey isolate, casein hydrosylate, whey hydrosylate, micellar casein, creatine, and then one of the powdered carbohydrates, I think(haha, again I'm totally new to the supplement world, and purchasing from GNC or vitamin world I end up talking to people that know less than me about working out). I'm only going to be using the post workout shake due to my goals being to mainly cut BF %. Should I buy all these separate and mix on my own, or work on creating a custom mix?

    I apologize for all of these questions, but I'm not one to half ass anything, this is definitely no exception! Any advice I could get from anyone would be fantastic!!Thanks again!! Will be posting before/during(won't be after pics since I never plan on stopping :p) soon, in order to track my progress!


    victor w small

    Welcome. Would it not be enough to track your body fat by the way your current clothes fit you and the appearance of your naked body? May be you could focus your attention to sticking with the plan and gradually introduce supplements when you feel the need after you have got into the swing of things.

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