Adding Oly and Powerlift training to Shockwave or HeavyDuty CBL

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    Justin Guimond

    Any advice on where/how to integrate the Olympic lifts and powerlifts into the Shockwave or HeavyDutyCBL so as to minimize the detriment to hypertrophy, minimize over-training risk, and still keep me progressing towards eventually competing in the olympic or powerlifting fields?Thanks,Poke


    Richard Schmitt

    I would either do straight Olympic style lifts or the SW Series. I wouldn't combine the two


    Justin Guimond

    Any thoughts on how long to go rotating between programs then?  I was thinking to try at least 3 weeks on HeavyDutyCBL or Shockwave before re-assessing… sound fair to you?


    Richard Schmitt

    Be a great way to use SW. Use the SW as written for a “De-Load” and HD for the main fun


    Justin Guimond

    Interesting idea… thanks mang.

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Adding Oly and Powerlift training to Shockwave or HeavyDuty CBL

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