STOK Caffeine

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    Hey Everyone,I recently came across a product called "SToK" on-line and was wondering if anyone here has used it yet.  It's basically a 40mg shot of caffeine you can dump in your coffee.  They come packaged in creamer-like containers.  Here is the website: one downside I can see is that each container has 3g net carbs.  Anyone use this?


    samuel r walker

    Total waste of money..



    I will avoid, then.  Thanks for the feedback!


    joe boulware

    Go to a newer BP station that has a nice coffee bar and they are free right by the creamers.


    samuel r walker

    My point was not only regarding the price, but that amount of caffeine is pretty negligible, to me at least..And the carb count is the icing on the cake.

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STOK Caffeine

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