Supplements with CN

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    What supplements do you guys on CN like to use? I'm definitely trying to lose fat and am currently taking whey hyrdolysate, creatine mono, carnitine (pre-workout), and leucine. I admit that I'm a newb and wanted to make sure that I'm not taking anything unnecessary or maybe missing out on something that could really help me lose fat. I admit that that I haven't read the CN Solution yet. Times are tough and conserving $$$ so I can buy the appropriate foods. But plan on buying the book soon since CBL was such a great read!



    Also a noob, but I'm currently supplementing vitamins (multivitamin) and Omega 3, Whey isolate and creatine mono as PWO (and will be adding leucine to that soon). That's it for me personally. Everything else I get from food.



    Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I take fish oil



    for CN you may need a mag/potassium supp.. but its not needed as long as you make sure you are eating foods rich in those minerals.. some people run pretty low overal intake doing CN and doing ULC your body will excrete minerals at a much more rapid rate than normal. Sodium is easy to keep up just make sure you are doing it. But mag/potassium are sometimes a bit more difficult for people to get enough so a supplement can be very helpfull.

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Supplements with CN

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