Before Bed Snack???

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    What is the best whole food to have about 1 hr prior to bed on ULC days?  I was doing a cheesestick, but I don't think thats enough for my body at night.  I also definitely want to watch my carbs.  Thoughts?



    Bacon and eggs is my staple night ulc meal



    Bacon and eggs is my staple night ulc meal

    that sounds awesome!  my concern is the amount of fat i am consuming/day on ULC days.  I am trying to get to 180 as an ideal weight and it states that my ULC days according to the chart should be 33g fat for the low carb portion of the day.  Can I still have more fats later on?  I understand those are minimal values correct?


    Bacon and eggs is my staple night ulc meal

    that sounds awesome!  my concern is the amount of fat i am consuming/day on ULC days.  I am trying to get to 180 as an ideal weight and it states that my ULC days according to the chart should be 33g fat for the low carb portion of the day.  Can I still have more fats later on?  I understand those are minimal values correct?

    You're fats should be at least 50% of your calories during a full ULC day, and really at least that period. The charts give the minimum you should ever have.


    Tasty casein in whipping cream. Mmmmmmmmmm.

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Before Bed Snack???

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