DB at 15%

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    also i cant view that link lol


    Brandon D Christ

    also if i don't do db i will probably rotate a few carb nights and rotate that with a few weeks of SA, any suggestions for or against this for my bf%?

    You could do that, but I personally would just stick to CBL.

    one more question, is there a target ranged for best recomp? like would i eat around maintenance? or belowi understand a lot of cbl is how i personally respond but physiologically if I'm prone to being a fat boy to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously what would you recommend?

    Don't worry about "maintenance".  Follow the reccomendations in the book.  For your weight, I'd get around 100 g of protein pre-workout, 40 g in the PWO shake, and another 30-40 g in the backload.  For the fat there are a couple ways to do it, but the best way to do it would be to get in around 80 g pre workout and get in another 30 g of fat in the backload, ideally all in the last meal.  I can't really give you recommendations on your carb needs as it depends on your training and it is very individual.  But for someone with your size and goals, I would start around 300 g, including the carbs in the PWO shake.On ULC days, the only thing that changes is you would slightly increase the fat.

    is the 300g a wekly goal or daily? i train about 5 times a week normally, and not sure if 1500g weekly would be okay, i have been capping around 175g daily, and I try to  cycle that, (smaller muscle groups about 125-150, and bigger around 200-225)key word TRY i get a bit ravenous sometimes

    Like I said only you can determine your carb needs.  I was just giving an estimate.  I wouldn't regulate your carbs based on the muscle groups you trained.  In my experience it doesn't work like that.  If you have a day were you are only training arms or something, you might be better off not even backloading that day.



    ok thanks, i was just tyring to take a carb cycling approach to this, maybe that was a mistake though, thanks for all the help

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DB at 15%

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