Kiefer’s competion book

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    amanda walls

    Hey guys. For everyone who has watched Kiefer's latest podcast, he mentioned that he is going to be releasing a book for specifics on tweaking the diet for contest prep. Has anyone heard an estimated date on this. I m currently in prep mode for a competition…. 9 weeks out and my progress is stalling…desperately hoping that release date is soon!Thanks guys!


    Richard Schmitt

    You know as much as we do. So no, no one here will know the release date.


    Alex Fergus

    Yea I wish I knew more also. I'm currently 12 weeks out.There is alot of info out there on contest prep.Have you looked at Caroline Gicks 13 weeks to stage articles: I prepped last year using CBL - so you could take a look at my log, though I'm still in the 'learning' phase myself

    Seeking optimal health & performance for myself & others at:
    Alex Fergus Coaching -


    amanda walls

    Thanks  guys! Drat 🙁 i actually saw a link to your blog but i have not been granted access to the cbl forum 🙁 hopefully it will go through soon, the book is great but for getting into the really low range i think the mechanics of tweaking it are complex. Fingers crossed it will come out soon!


    Alex Fergus

    You may need to PM one of the mod's on here to gain access

    Seeking optimal health & performance for myself & others at:
    Alex Fergus Coaching -

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Kiefer’s competion book

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