Opinions on this Formulas Insulin Response.

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  • #9262


    Before responding to this post, I want to point out that this thread is being created for the thoughts behind the formulas effect on insulin. Not on the usefulness of pre workouts, or what “works and doesnt work” about them. That being said, Note the cellular transport blend, thats the only part im truly concerned about. It contains dextrose, once serving of this Pre-Workout only contains 3g of carbs, 2g of which are sugar. Being that the blend for cellular transport (which contains the dextrose) is just over 2g. I can say for almost certainty that it has 2g of Dextrose. So the question is, will this spike insulin? And if so would it be enough to be detrimental to a CBL and/or CNS training program?


    Don't even bother worrying about 2g of carbs of any source.



    Thats what i was thinking, but i would hate for a pre workout to be the reason for a stall or failure in my plan.

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Opinions on this Formulas Insulin Response.

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